What We Do

We Provide Green Waste Removals in Townsville

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Our Collection Services

Need fallen palm tree fronds removed from your property? Looking for a way to dispose of grass clippings? Smile Garden Bags can help! We offer green waste removals and hire out garden bags for a variety of purposes in Townsville. 

Whether you’re a homeowner, gardener or landscaper, we’ll help you take the effort out of yard work with our generously sized UV resistant garden bags. We’ll even come by and install the steel frame that goes with them—free of charge! For collections, we’ll stop by monthly and service your bag on-site, so there’s no need to take it kerbside. Call today on 0402 511 575.

Get in Touch

Our Price List

Regular Service: $21

Extra Service: $31

Service Fee: $7

Overdue Fee: $5

12 months in advance: $228

6 months in advance: $120

Payment Options:

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Cash 
  • Cheque 
  • Direct deposit
  • Credit card—payments can be made over the phone or by emailed invoices. All credit card payments attract a surcharge.
  • Other payment methods are also available with emailed invoices.

Payments can also be made at any Bendigo Bank Branch

* A service fee applies when we aren't notified by 3PM the day prior to your service that your bag is either empty or not full enough to require a service. Please see our terms and conditions for further information

Make a Booking

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I don't have a huge yard; can I get my bag serviced every two months?

    Yes. We offer a bi-monthly service for those who don't have enough to fill the bag monthly.

  • I thought you said your bags were UV resistant bags? Why can't I go longer between services?

    Yes, our bags are UV resistant but like most things left sitting in the Nth QLD sun, they can deteriorate quickly. Especially when faced with the other elements and heavy loads! Regular servicing prolongs the life of our bags which means lower costs to the customer. Regular services also ensures that compacted green waste doesn't overload the bag. 

  • Where can I find my next service date?

    Your most recent invoice will have your next service date on it. We also provide a yearly calendar. If you aren't sure you can call or txt the office and they will be more than happy to help you. Our Service calendar can also be found on our Home page. 

  • Why have I been charged a service fee when I didn't receive a service?

    This fee is charged as most of our costs have already been incurred by the time we reach your property. This fee has either been applied because the bag was empty, it had not enough waste to warrant a full charge or access to the bag was blocked somehow e.g. gate was locked, car parked in the road.

  • What happens to my waste?

    All green waste removed from homes is mulched. This is why we ask for green waste only.

  • I am being deployed/going away for holidays. Can I place my service on hold for longer than a month?

    We understand that life happens. Call the office to make arrangements for your service.

  • Are you on Facebook?

    Yes, we are! Stop by and like us for regular updates on Smiles Garden Bags. Find us at https://www.facebook.com/SmilesGardenBags

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  • Collecting Leaves — Green Waste in Thuringowa Central, QLD

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